How MOS-Integration Can Improve Your Weather Reporting Workflow
Despite the integral role weather reporting plays in news broadcasting, many weather graphics systems exist as an island in today’s increasingly interconnected newsroom workflows. In some cases, non-meteorologist staff such as producers and journalists have to leave their all-encompassing Newsroom Computer Systems (NRCS) to a separate application to fulfill their weather graphics. In other cases, weather graphics are the sole domain of the meteorologists themselves, requiring a small number of highly-trained and specialized staff to spend time fulfilling the needs of their more numerous production and editorial teams.
Leveraging MOS integration and connectivity between the NRCS and the production systems within a station – the CG graphics, clip servers, automated production control systems, and more – allows different teams across a news network to collaborate with the utmost efficiency. Producers and journalists can fulfill the assets they need for a story without drawing on the art department. Graphic designers can focus on making compelling, bespoke graphics rather than repeatedly adapting templates.
Why not apply this same approach to your weather graphics and weather reporting at large? When you empower your producers and journalists to leverage templates from your weather graphics system, you can drive engaging weather-reporting with greater efficiency across all your channels. Plus, you can reduce the burden on your meteorologists to localize content for every market and have them focus on what they do best – crafting compelling breakdowns of the major weather events that are affecting your audience.
The World’s Only MOS-Integrated Weather Graphics
Chyron Weather offers the industry’s first MOS-integrated weather graphics through our CAMIO media asset management workflow. As you build sequences within Chyron Weather’s graphics creation interface, they become available to your producers and journalists through the web-friendly HTML5 CAMIO Interface that plugs right into your NRCS. Your staff can look at a preview of the graphic, edit it accordingly, and add these templates to the rundown for simple playout.
Within minutes’ notice, you can bring state-of-the-art weather graphics to air – such as a radar sequence of an incoming storm, severe weather alerts for your market region, or analysis of a natural disaster event like an earthquake.
This workflow goes beyond simple access to graphics outside the Chyron Weather system. These weather graphic templates are dynamically-editable assets that make it easy to customize and relocalize weather reporting to serve a wide array of markets.
Concurrent Assets for Up-to-the-Minute Weather Reporting
Chyron Weather provides excellent tools for a meteorologist to flex their weather muscles, with a graphics creation interface to implement and display multiple data sources. However, the key to true weather reporting collaboration between your meteorologists, producers, and journalists is Chyron Weather’s replaceable elements within a graphic. The forecast location, model times, included layers of visual data, graphic color elements, and even the language of your template – are all editable in real-time directly from the NRCS. Changes to these factors will reflect immediately in the final weather report you add to your rundown – making it exceptionally easy to adapt your hour-by-hour forecasting to any of your markets from a single template.
Chyron Weather is a data-agnostic weather forecasting system. It handles data exceptionally well, and that capability extends into your newsroom system via CAMIO. As you make edits to locations or forecasting periods, the system will update the data in real-time. To illustrate this with a simple example, say you have a three-day city forecast template. From the CAMIO interface in your NRCS, you can change the location replaceable in the graphic to adapt this asset for any city-based forecast you need. In the example above, we’ve changed the forecast from Milwaukee to Chicago, and Chyron Weather has automatically updated the numerical temperatures and weather icons accordingly.
This author-once, deliver-many approach to weather reporting can vastly improve time and effort to air across your network. For severe weather events that require extra special attention and live analysis, your meteorologists still have the tools to engage your audience. But, for your day-to-day reporting and weather updates, this template-based workflow puts your producers and journalists in the driver’s seat.
Simple for Meteorologists, Producers, and Journalists
Beyond collaboration on the assets themselves, the magic of this workflow is you’re driving new efficiencies under-the-hood without any disruption to your staff’s role-specific experience:
- Meteorologists manage different data sources for your weather forecasts, tuning the visuals, and layering data in the appropriate order.
- Producers fine-tune templates within the NRCS for implementation into your show rundowns.
- Journalists can generate weather graphics from the NRCS in the office or on-the-go for the stories they’re trying to tell.
Of course, this doesn’t have to be a linear process happening entirely within a single station. Chyron Weather’s simple approach to weather reporting from preparation to playout is ideal for distribution across your station network.
Localize Weather Content Across Your News Markets
If you’re working for a large-scale news network, you’re likely managing multiple hubs serving multiple markets. Chyron Weather’s MOS-integrated workflow via CAMIO can help you deliver compelling weather reporting to each audience. In hub-and-spoke scenarios, data preparation and weather graphic templating can happen from a single location – while your distributed stations adapt the templates for their local programming. The high degree of customizability in Chyron Weather templates gives your team a lot of flexibility in producing their shows, crafting an on-air look, and monetizing content.
- Do you prefer to pre-produce your evening weather segments rather than do it live? Your local production team can set the forecast period to the same time the program airs to deliver a live experience for your viewers.
- Have multiple regions that need distinct hour-by-hour, three-day, and five-day forecasts? Fulfill all of those needs with three editable templates with replaceable locations.
- Want to drive unique sponsorship opportunities? Build-in replaceable sponsorship logos or video inputs that are adaptable to each station’s advertising needs
- What about multi-lingual programming across your different markets? Set a language replaceable that flips the switch from a Monday-Friday forecast to a Lunes-Viernes forecasts
Ultimately, the choice is yours. The point here is that this template-based workflow opens up massive opportunities to customize and relocalize weather content for any market in seconds. Essential for large news networks in today’s fast-paced media environment.
How Efficient is Weather Reporting Across Your Organization?
Weather reporting plays an essential role in news broadcasts. Logically, your weather graphics should be tightly-integrated with the MOS workflows that drive collaboration and efficiency between your teams. Giving your producers and editorial staff the power to localize and customize content to meet your market’s interests and needs will make your content more engaging to viewers and present more monetization opportunities. Meanwhile, your meteorologists will spend less of their time duplicating efforts and more time focusing on delivering award-winning analysis of severe weather events.
If you want to explore MOS-integrated weather reporting within your organization, contact our Chyron Weather experts today.