Making Your PAINT Certification Pay Dividends
Because the Chyron PAINT sports production analysis system boasts the greatest global reach of any telestration production on the market today, certification via the Chyron Academy positions you to work with sports broadcasters around the world.
As you go through Chryon Academy courses toward certification, you’ll learn how to use this powerful tool for visual analysis of gameplay, enhanced with data-driven graphics and immersive video highlights. By the time you earn your PAINT Black Belt, you will know how to seamlessly combine replay, graphics, and analysis to enhance live sports broadcasts. You will have mastered the art of the Illustrated Replay™, and you’ll have the skills essential to telestration for high-profile leagues and competitions. Learn more
Like all Chyron Academy courses, the certification program for PAINT is a robust training program delivered by industry professionals. The self-paced online curriculum will give you hands-on experience working with full-featured PAINT software, which you’ll use to learn and practice essential skills.
All the fresh content you produce as part of your coursework will augment your professional portfolio and demonstrate for potential employers your skill and creativity in using PAINT, likely already their preferred telestration solution. A review of your final project by the Chyron team prior to certification will help to ensure that you’re demonstrating the full breadth of your PAINT knowledge and talent.
Earning certification and your PAINT Black Belt from the Chyron Academy pays dividends beyond a boost to your skills and creative portfolio. When you conclude your Chyron Academy training, you’ll know that your PAINT skills match up with the expectations of top networks and sports outlets.
Certification itself is a valuable addition to your LinkedIn profile or resume. By completing the coursework and final project, you demonstrate your dedication to keeping your talent sharp and your abilities in line with the latest graphics and telestration solutions.
Potential employers will recognize this commitment, and they can be confident that you have successfully demonstrated your proficiency. In some cases, you’ll have the opportunity to earn a recommendation from a working professional who can validate your aptitude with PAINT in a real-world setting.
Once you’ve earned your PAINT Black Belt, you can be confident that your skills will make you a valuable addition to any live news, sports, or entertainment production team. Your certification makes you part of an elite community of trained PAINT operators. Even more important, perhaps, is that you automatically become part of the Chyron Freelancer Database. This valuable resource can connect you with other professionals and with new job opportunities.
[READ: Chyron Academy Boosts Opportunities in Broadcast Graphics]
The Chyron Academy has grown tremendously since its launch last year. Over this time, industry pros — maybe like you! — have earned certification and landed jobs in major league sports and in professional broadcasting.
If you haven’t yet started your Chyron Academy course on PAINT, consider starting now! Enrollment is free, and it’s easy. You can move through the training at your own pace, completing the coursework as your schedule and availability allow. There’s no time like the present to level up your skills and open up new career opportunities for yourself.
To get more information about how you can enroll in Chyron Academy and earn your PAINT Black Belt, visit the registration page today. Learn & Register
Certified graduates of Chyron Academy courses are encouraged to apply to be part of the Chyron Certified Freelancer Database, to be launched soon on the Chyron website. Complete the form below to apply!
[READ: Building Next-Level Graphics Skills Through Chyron Academy]