Five Ways to Take Your Soccer Streams to the Next Level

Production value improvements you can make to grow your soccer audience, build your business, and generate more revenue.

If you’re creating live soccer streaming content, you might have a basic formula for making video available online. Perhaps it’s a simple video feed, possibly with a score bug and clock. You might be surprised to find that you can transform that live stream into a professional-grade live production — and in doing so, build viewership and sponsorship that take your soccer streams (and your business) to the next level. 

Thanks to cloud-based live production platforms like Chyron LIVE, better graphics, replays, telestration, and other enhancements have become more accessible and affordable than ever, serving as a vehicle for growth. Let’s take a closer look at five production value improvements you can make to grow your soccer audience, build your business, and generate more revenue.

#1) Graphics

Graphics play a crucial role in conveying the story of a soccer game in a visually captivating manner. Although often linked with displaying vital game elements like the score, clock, and extra time, they can also create a compelling visual narrative throughout the game. Before the first whistle is blown, it’s an opportune time to pull up a full-screen lineup highlighting players in each position, providing stats, and showcasing key matchups. During the game, it could be a player highlight graphic featuring a top performer on the pitch or even a stat takeover graphic that contextualizes what’s happening in the match. Maybe it’s a bit of team history that’s relevant, a record on the verge of being broken, or a history of past player or team matchups. All of it offers the viewer extra insight and fosters engagement with the game, the teams and its players.

Using the built-in motion graphics capability of Chyron LIVE, you can fluidly animate these different graphics, smoothly bringing them on and off screen. You can bind that must-have clock score data into the graphic itself to run automatically. And you can do all of this with little or no experience in the realm of soccer because Chyron LIVE’s Matchpad interface makes it approachable. Anyone with a basic understanding of how soccer games work can master the soccer-specific production interface within minutes. Every aspect of the game is covered and made easy through this dedicated interface.

#2) Instant Replay (With AI)

AI-driven instant replay offers a very easy, low-effort way to bring a little more excitement into your show. It allows you to capture that just-happened highlight and instantly take it to air after the next whistle or during that dead time before the next throw-in or corner kick. Many all-in-one production systems offer an easy method of capturing an instant replay, requiring button pushes to start recording and to take the resulting clip on and off air. But with Chyron LIVE and its proprietary algorithm for live instant replay in soccer, this can be a nearly automatic process. AI monitors live footage of your game, identifying those highlight-worthy moments such as a goal or a shot on net, and then creates an instant replay and cues it up so that you simply hit a button to take it to air. By making it as simple as hitting the play button, AI-driven instant replay allows you to incorporate this exciting element while keeping your staff minimal — or doing it all on your own.

Tell The Story of a Match with Replay Highlights

Replay highlights build on the idea of instant replay, bringing together a collection of key moments to tell a larger story about the game. It could show how a defensive player’s pressure consistently shut down the other team’s offensive pushes, a series of saves by the home or away team’s goalkeeper, or the most important plays of the first half.

Chyron LIVE makes creation of replay highlights simple and fast by providing convenient access to all the footage from the game. You can easily review footage, grab all those moments that help tell the story, and clip them off. Pair those highlights with a graphic about the player being showcased, for example, and you’re building much more compelling content for your audience. Just throw all those highlights in the Chyron LIVE clip players, and they’re all set when it’s time for halftime or post-game analysis.

#3) Telestration

Telestration offers a huge value add and historically has been associated with high-end, network-level, John Madden-style broadcasting. With Chyron LIVE, this boost to production value is accessible to independent content creators in an on-demand, subscription-based cloud platform that lowers conventional barriers to valuable tools and workflows. With telestration, you can leverage the storytelling power of replay and take it even deeper, providing visual insights and analysis that contextualize how plays come together in a game. You can illuminate the thinking from the perspective of players on the field, show how a play unfolded, how a team maneuvered on the field to get to a specific point, and explain their strategy as they did it.

#4) Remote Commentary

Sports fans love the insight and depth provided by informed commentary and analysis of a game. Adding a subject matter expert or a well-known personality to the game coverage, who can provide insights on the unfolding events, adds an extra layer of intrigue and captivation to the live stream. Chyron LIVE makes it easy for you to connect with a commentator, no matter where they are, through a web-based interface. You don’t have to fly someone out to the game to watch and comment in person. Instead, you can leverage remote commentary to work with the best person for the job. Not to mention, with all of the production tools available within a single Chyron LIVE environment, it’s easy to take sportscasters beyond commentator roles!

#5) Sponsorship

Sponsorship ties together all of the preceding elements of high production value. It’s a vehicle for attracting the revenues you need to survive as a business — and to thrive by producing great live content, expanding your capabilities and capacity.

Dynamic motion graphics provide a compelling yet unobtrusive way of advertising to the viewing audience without disrupting the flow of the game. While using these graphics to enhance the overall viewing experience, you can build in sponsor logos and messages to create revenue-generation opportunities. For example, each time the home team scores, it’s an opportunity for a local business (such as car dealerships or pizza places) to sponsor that event. For advertisers, it’s an irresistible opportunity. A captivating visual during a pivotal game moment guarantees exposure to a coveted audience, especially when the home team is celebrating. Plus, viewers are no strangers to this kind of sponsorship, having seen it often in premium live sports broadcasts and team venues. Highlights, replays, and player of the game graphics are just a few examples of elements that can be sponsored, not just with logos and other visuals, but also with “brought to you by” mentions in the commentary.

Click to watch a video showing all of Chyron LIVE’s soccer streaming features in action!

Unlock Premium Soccer Streaming with Chyron LIVE

By implementing these five production value enhancements, you can significantly elevate the quality of your soccer streams. This not only crafts a more immersive narrative and viewing experience for fans but also boosts your revenue potential for each live event. With professional-grade visuals, in-depth replays, timely information, engaging commentary, and captivating highlights, you present a premium product. This convinces fans of the value in your service, making it worth their time and investment. Additionally, by attracting sponsorships, you secure extra revenue, empowering you to further expand and refine your live streaming offerings.

With Chyron LIVE, all of this functionality is available on demand, when and where you need it. You can boost production value and start going after that revenue right now. You don’t need to invest in various pieces of equipment, then build yourself a flypack. You don’t need to save up tens of thousands of dollars for an OB van before you can even get started. With a few camera feeds and the Chyron LIVE cloud-native production platform, you are ready to take your soccer streams to the next level.

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